The Philippine National Oil Company (PNOC), represented by its OIC President and Chief Executive Officer, Atty. Graciela M. Barleta, participated in the 46th ASEAN Council on Petroleum (ASCOPE) Meeting on October 25, 2021.

PNOC presented the challenges faced by the Company amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, and how it remained committed to its mission of implementing projects, aimed at increasing the country’s self-sufficiency in oil, gas, and other energy sources.

PNOC also provided updates regarding its priorities and key strategic plans for 2021 and beyond, such as the development of vital energy infrastructure, continuing the development of existing energy resource development projects, and continuing the optimization of asset productivity by monetizing its banked gas.

PNOC has been an active member of ASCOPE since 1975, collaborating with other ASEAN countries on various petroleum projects and endeavors.

Watch PNOC’s video presentation to ASCOPE by clicking the image below:

Click this image to see the video presentation
Video presented by PNOC during the 46th ASCOPE Council Meeting